Hey, Neighbor!
Welcome to our HOME page!
www.RespectPeople.org is a 21st century effort to mitigate the contentiousness of the abortion debate in the USA. This website is a work of love, a work of peace, and a work of respect. The name Respect People is a reminder of what we all need and want: We want abortion laws that respect people, and we want people to treat each other respectfully when discussing personal views about abortion.
Do you want to help end the abortion debate, in the USA, in a respectful way? Yes? Then great! We're glad you found this website!
To solve a problem, our first step is to ask the right questions. Respect People identified THREE (3) questions that are essential to understanding the big picture of the abortion debate:
1. When did your life begin?
2. Do you have a right to use another person's body without their permission?
3. What are you allowed to do if someone is using your body without your permission?
We spent thousands of hours researching the science and philosophy behind these questions, and some of what we found surprised us. Will the answers surprise you?